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Today Was A Good Day

    1. Medical Call

    The day started with a fire department medical call for service. Obviously not good for the patient but part of the reason to volunteer at a fire department is because you like to help people which I do.

    2. Driver training

    After the medical call I put one of my FD colleagues through a little driver training/orientation on the new engine. Driving a fire truck always makes for a good day.


    3. Lifted weights

    Any day that you work out is a day that you've accomplished something and done something for your future self.

    4. Watched a few innings of the Red Sox game

    I love watching baseball.

    5. Finished up a big project with my day job

    Our firm went through something bad due to actions taken by one of the partners. We have been working on a merger of sorts into a larger firm for weeks now and today the paperwork was finally signed. Nice to be able to leave that chapter behind and move onto the next.

    6. Cawledge Hawkey

    That is college hockey spelled out with a Boston accent, I grew up in Boston. Today is the Frozen Four, the national semifinals, which is always fun to watch.

    7. Watched a few innings of a Padres game

    See number 3 above, the Padres are a favorite team, I went to San Diego State.

    8. A year on NotePD

    Thanks to a great list from @BillBergeman about his 1 year anniversary on NotePD I scrolled back and saw that I too have been here a little over a year. When I first started my observation was that it was personal development social media and I think that is still the case. It has been fun to share ideas and take in ideas from others. I can't say it revolutionized my life but many things I have been working on and doing have evolved or otherwise progressed for the better and it makes sense to think that NotePD played in a role in that.

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