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Walking Through the Fires of Hate to the Shores of Love. (1 min 53 sec)


    1. From Shadows of Hate to the Light of Love.

    We're starting with something you might not want to hear: Hate. Yeah, that deep, gnawing feeling we all carry, sometimes buried so deep we pretend it’s not there. But today we stop all the pretending. "Look at it." That’s the only way through it, to remember the Love we've hidden from ourselves.
    Most of us don't even realize the intensity of the hate we harbor — not just for others, but for ourselves. It’s that self-hate, the guilt, that’s the root cause of everything we project onto the world. We hate because we’re hiding from the love we think we lost.
    Think about that.
    We spend so much time running from the ego’s thought system, building this world and our identities within it to distract ourselves. Why? Because we’ve made the ego’s lies so terrifyingly real, we refuse to face it.
    You can’t get to love without walking through hate. This isn’t just some pretty metaphor. It’s the real deal. We have to look at the ugliness with Love beside us, or we’ll stay trapped. If we don’t appreciate just how much hate we’ve built into this ego system, we’ll never be able to move past it.
    Choice point. That’s the crux. We forgot that we chose the ego, the guilt, the hate. Love helps us remember that we can choose again. "With the Love of God upholding you, would you ever choose murder over miracles?"
    Once you’re above the battleground, looking at it from a higher mind, it’s not even a contest. You’ll choose Love every time. But first, we have to admit that we've been choosing hate. Only then does it lose its power.
    It’s all projection. We throw our self-hate out onto the world, pretending it’s everyone else. Every judgment, every criticism, every little irritation is just self-hate in disguise. We’re crucifying ourselves —daily.
    The good news? Once you look at it, really look at it, you can choose again. And that’s the journey — through hate to love.
    Ever wonder why you’re so annoyed by that one person? It’s because they remind you of yourself. What you hate in them is what you’re hiding in you. Time to stop running. Time to choose again.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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