1. Have a good idea in advance of what skills / items you have available for barter.
2. Do some basic research and have at least some idea of what certain items or services are worth.
3. Time is often a valuable commodity that we all have to offer.
4. The next time you are at the local store, ask about their willingness to barter.
5. Same with the next time you need a skilled tradesman.
6. In a local area, you could create a barter exchange which listed members.
7. Perhaps create a credit/token/currency system to add liquidity to the barter exchange.
8. Expand what you have to offer. (Take up gardening, learn a new craft or trade, etc.)
9. You could start very small and informally with neighbors trading "favors" with each other or just helping out to get the idea started.
10. Whenever possible, ensure both parties are happy with the trade BEFORE making a final settlement.
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