We stand up, sit down, or lie horizontally wherever we go. (1 min 21 sec)

1. Our bodies are projections of our mind.
While we often choose our physical positions of standing up, sitting down, or lying horizontally based on our preferences or circumstances, we tend to overlook the importance of consciously repositioning our minds to a more peaceful state.
2. How we choose to perceive the world is similar to choosing our physical positions.
In the same way that we have control over our physical movements, we also have the power to choose our thoughts.
We can consciously decide how we want to "stand" mentally, by choosing thoughts of love, forgiveness, and peace.
We can choose to "sit" mentally by cultivating a state of inner stillness, allowing ourselves to be guided by wisdom and clarity.
And we can choose to "lie down" mentally by surrendering our judgments, grievances, and ego-based perceptions, and instead rest in a state of trust and openness.
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