What are things you can’t go without?
1. Tech
I love tech. I love using it and experimenting with it, trying out new stuff and making connections.
2. Fountain Pens
There’s nothing quite like writing with a fountain pen. I love the act of handwriting. There’s great pleasure to be had from writing.
3. Phone
Connected to tech, my phone enables me to do so much. I rarely make phone calls but take photo, use favourite apps, take notes and plan.
4. Coffee
I love coffee and café culture. One of my pleasures is sitting in a café with a notebook and latte to hand.
5. Boots
I’m not a girly girl. I’m happiest in my walking boots. They’re comfy and good for walking around here.
6. Potting Shed
It’s my little sanctuary where I can plant and potter. It’s great watching my plants grow. Sometimes I sit in there with a coffee and just contemplate.
7. Notebooks
Wherever I go I take a notebook. Sometimes it’s a small notebook for a small bag, other times it’s a Filofax. But I always have something to write in.
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