1. It provides some kind of peace of mind
2. There's a definite floor that provides income stability based on which people can make plans. "This the worst it can get"
3. Simple and straightforward without having to jump through hoops
4. Can be used by people with higher incomes to set aside to make investments they wouldn't otherwise make.
5. When you come across panhandlers you know that they are getting money
6. Hard to determine optimal level of UBI
7. Money alone doesn't solve many people's economic problems
8. Even if UBI solves the issue of absolute poverty the real problem may still be income inequality
9. Many people who need to work out of necessity and be productive may pull back and even stop entirely and "lie flat" instead. This may not be good for our society or economy.
10. It could unintentionally create an inflationary spiral and negate its intended benefits.
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