What to do instead of picking up your phone
We all pick up our phone when we shouldn't. It's a bad habit. Here's what to do instead
1. Pick up a beverage
2. Write a letter or a postcard
Writing and sending handwritten letters are GOLD in this day and age. No one does this. And when the person you're writing to gets a letter -- they are surprised and delighted! It's so fun to get "real" mail -- something other than bills and ads.
I keep a stash of postcards already stamped on my desk. That way all I have to do is write the message, write the address and walk to the mailbox!
3. Pick up a book or a magazine and read that instead
Having poetry books around you are great for this, because it doesn't really matter if you read a poetry book in a linear fashion.
Ditto magazines or the physical newspaper.
I buy the NYT on Sunday and spend the whole week reading it.
4. Juggle
My brother is an amazing juggler. And I couldn't juggle but I wanted to.
So I bought myself a cheap set of juggling balls on Amazon and just started to teach myself.
There are a million "how to" videos on Youtube -- all you need are the balls.
Tennis balls are a good substitute. Try them
5. Visualize
Visualization is the skill of being able to imagine yourself / see yourself doing the thing you want to do.
The key to visualization is doing the imagining in as much detail as you can. Smell the smells, hear the sounds, see what you would see, feel what you would feel.
Spend 1 minute visualizing doing the action that gets you what you want in life, instead of picking up your phone.
6. Memorize a quotation or a poem or a part of a famous speech
As I was re-learning how to talk, I could only speak for like 5 minutes/hour ... so the way to regulate that was to memorize poetry.
I've since gone on to memorize more than a dozen poems -- some really really long.
I recite them at weddings and dinner parties and on long hikes or around campfires. It's a fantastic party trick!
Pick a great quote or a poem you love and start working on memorizing it -- instead of picking up your phone.
7. Stand on one leg for 1 minute
Can you balance on one leg for a minute?
If you can -- do it with your eyes closed, instead of picking up your phone.
8. Do 10 pushups or 10 sit ups or 10 jumping jacks
9. Clean up one part of your environment
Take one action to make your environment neater or cleaner
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