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What to do when you don't feel good?

Are you feeling down or not good enough based on your mood or what people say?

You don't have to let it get all over you.

10 steps to feeling better:

    1. Take the Pressure Off

    Sometimes when you don't feel good, it's helpful to take a break from whatever is causing you stress.

    Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, and take some deep breaths. Close your eyes and focus on relaxing your whole body.

    Whatever the situation is – you can only control how you react.

    Take the pressure off yourself. Take the pressure off others around you. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.

    Be calm so you don’t make rash decisions or do things you end up regretting.

    2. Be Present

    So I've recently fallen into situations where I don't feel good and i take decisions that in the end the receiving party tells me "you just jumped into conclusions."

    Its easy to cling to the past or let anxiety get over you when you don’t feel good.

    Learn to be in the moment.

    See your situation not as it should be or had been but as it is. The present is all you got.

    9/10 my reactions when I was feeling bad and hated it were based on my past encounters. My defenses went up and I had allowed anxiety get the best of me.

    3. Don't spread negativity

    Hurt people hurt people.

    Gossip and joint hate would only spread the fire and generate new enemies.

    Instead approach life with a positive mindset and your subconscious which controls majority of your actions will not be filled with hate on others.

    4. Do some Self-care

    Treating yourself kindly can help boost your mood when you're feeling down:

    Do something that makes you happy, whether it's taking a warm bath, going for a walk in nature, or eating your favorite food.

    The fact is if you’re not proactive about self-care when you don’t feel good – you’re going to slip completely and may even become TOXIC to yourself and others around you.

    Naps are effective when you don’t overdo them. You might just need a brief moment to calm your head which wakes you up refreshed. A nap can provide this opportunity and help you gain better insight of your situation.

    5. Challenge Your Negative Thoughts:

    It's common to have negative thoughts when you're feeling good.

    But instead of letting them control you, try to challenge them.

    Ask yourself if there's any evidence that supports your negative thinking.

    6. Exercise

    Of all the self-care habits – exercise is amongst the most crucial when you don’t feel good.

    Realize that your mood is controlled by hormones.

    Exercise boosts Endorphins the natural “feel good hormone”

    7. Don’t eat Crap

    What you eat has a profound effect on how well you manage stress (cortisol) and Serotonin which in a way regulates your mood.

    Avoid indulging into Processed foods, meals and Junk foods as a coping mechanism.

    Raise the bar up on what you put in your body!

    8. Sleep on It

    The easiest way to not feel "alright” is to be sleep-deprived.

    When you don’t feel good – apart from naps, make the effort to go to bed earlier.

    And as a way of suggesting to your subconscious – say something like a prayer while you mention the result you expect “I want a solution to this X problem.”

    Now apart from dreaming about solutions – its also way more possible you wake up with a clearer head to deal with the issues troubling you or wake up with a better mood than you ever expected.

    9. Change your Environment

    I had a friend that became so “cold” and withdrawn suddenly. He was facing a lot of issues at work.

    He found a way to take some weeks off and come back.

    I couldn’t believe what happened. He was the one greeting people first.

    He became excited about the work again even better than before. He found a way to tackle the issue that was paining him before he went away.

    Changing his environment gave him a breath of fresh air which he could not find within that premises.

    10. Play the long game

    What problems are you thinking of now that wouldn’t matter in the next 5 years? Then its not worth more than 5 minutes of your time.

    Learn to read through situations and see how it could affect you in the next 3-5 years and react accordingly.

    11. Bonus point: Talk to Someone Who Understands:

    When you're feeling low, talking to someone who understands can be really helpful.

    Find somebody who has gone through something similar to what you're experiencing, and talk to them about how they coped."

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