What Topics Raise Your Voice to Passion?
1. The idea of "belief"
2. The idea of "compassion"
3. The idea of "truth"
4. The idea of "justice"
5. The idea of "evil"
How do we recognize it
What are some historical examples
How can we avoid it
What are the signs that someone is becoming evil
Can we change
Is there a cure for evil
Can you be partly evil and partly good
Are all actions either good or evil even if they seem ambiguous
Is the middle ground between good and evil a dangerous place to be?
6. What is a master, guru, teacher, etc
And what makes for a good one
And how does one know when to leave such a relationship
And how does one know when to trust such a person
7. The concept of future proofing and why people don't do it but should (and how). Also, future proofing vs present hedonism. How can you futureproof without losing the present moment (which I don't think is possible but I'm not sure). Why d
There's also an aspect here about happiness and sadness and trying to balance both in life so that neither becomes overwhelming or unhealthy. Which leads me to....
8. The concept of sadness and its role in life. Why does sadness exist at all? Does it serve any purpose? Is there ever a time when sadness becomes unhealthy or dangerous or toxic or destructive?
Is this just another way for me to rationalize my own moments/years/lifetime(s) worth of sadness ? Or am I learning from them ? Or both ? 1
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