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Why the Ego Craves Conflict. (1 min 34 sec)


    1. The Death of Now.

    You ever notice how much we talk about ourselves? It’s like we’re trying to prove something that doesn’t even exist. Our personality, this self we cling to, is nothing but a patchwork of beliefs, fears, and borrowed ideas — none of which are even ours. We’ve outsourced our minds to the world.
    Why? Because without a past, we vanish. No story, no “me.” Celebrities get this. They pop up on social media just to remind us they exist, because if they don’t, we think they’re dead. You see someone after a while, and it’s like, “Oh, I thought they were gone.” It’s proof that without attention, the ego feels like it’s been erased.
    Now, as ACIM tells us, the past is already gone. Show me the past — bottle it, send it to me. You can’t. It’s not here. And the future? That’s just a fantasy — still on layaway, never arrived. Yet we spend our lives obsessing over these things that don’t even exist. It’s madness. The present moment —the eternal now — gets smothered by our obsession with what’s already dead or hasn’t even been born.
    The ego thrives on this. Notice how much energy goes into prosecuting something that’s already happened — a crime, a betrayal, some ancient hurt. The event is over, but the system keeps it alive. Think of the money, the time, the resources spent re-living what’s already done. It’s exhausting, but the ego loves it.
    Because without conflict, the ego dies. It needs a problem to solve, a grudge to hold, an injustice to feed on. That’s why, when you’re stuck in ego mode, peace never lasts. The ego can’t stand stillness — it needs friction to survive.
    When we’re consumed with the past and future, we’re not living — we’re distracting ourselves from the peace of now. And that’s what the ego fears most: peace.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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