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10 Alternatives To College For Parents Considering Sending Their Children Into The College Debt Abyss

10 Alternatives To College For Parents Considering Sending Their Children Into The College Debt Abyss

    1. Start a small business

    Here on Long Island, there are volunteer organizations who provide business mentors free of charge like Through this organization, anyone interested in learning from people who've been there and done that can sign up.

    2. Travel somewhere radically different than where the kid grew up

    Spending some time in a place with a different way of life (it doesn't have to be in an Amazonian jungle miles from civilization.....although that kind of experience can do wonders for the adventurous souls out there) will do wonders for one's understanding of the world. These kinds of experiences broaden one's perspective and are priceless.

    3. Host experiences on AirBnB (and get paid for it)

    See my list here:

    4. Learn about the Student Loan Forgiveness Bill and consult families/former students who need clarity on it

    As someone who is still paying off loans for my college education many years ago, I can tell you that there is a lot of confusion about the process of obtaining forgiveness. If you can educate yourself on the ins and outs of the program, you can help many parents/former students who need clarity (and charge a handsome fee).

    5. Take Online Courses

    Check out LinkedInLearning, Udemy, Coursera, and more. Don't let the education snobs bring you down!

    6. Pursue a Creative Talent

    Interesting in becoming a polished public speaker? Try an open mic comedy night! The best public speakers are comedians. Do you like music? Learn how to play an instrument and look for paid gigs.

    7. Trade School

    Sure, the education snobs will look down on you, but don't let them stop you. It's not sexy or glamorous, but makes a lot of sense when you break down the numbers. Trades like Crane operator, welder, brick mason, plumbing, electricians, power washers are all in demand.

    8. Volunteer

    Volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, for Special Olympics, or any non-profit organization that could use your help. You'll meet influential people and help people while you're at it.

    9. Coach a team

    Are there any local youth sports teams that could use a coach? Volunteer. You'll get a great education on leadership, build your network, and have some fun while you're at it.

    10. Write a book

    Have you seen any of @JamesAltucher's 30 day book challenges? Start your path down authorship!!!

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