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10 Best Formulas about Writing a Cold Email.

Cold emailing is the act of sending an email to someone you don’t know in hopes of building a business relationship.

    1. Before-After-Bridge (BAB)

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by first starting with a before situation, then moving to an after situation, and finally presenting a bridge or solution that will help them get from the before to the after.

    2. Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS)

    This formula is designed to create interest and agitate a problem your prospect is facing before presenting your solution.

    3. But You Are Free

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by appealing to their sense of freedom and choice.

    4. Star-Chain-Hook

    This formula is designed to get your prospect's attention by starting with a "star" or attention-grabbing element, followed by a chain of related information, and finally ending with a "hook" or call-to-action.

    5. Attention – Interest – Desire – Action (AIDA)

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by first creating awareness, then building interest, followed by Desire, and finally taking Action.

    6. Star-Story-Solution

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by starting with a "star" or attention-grabbing element, followed by a story that illustrates the problem, and finally ending with a solution.

    7. The Reader's Digest Model

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by first starting with an attention-grabbing headline, followed by a series of short, easy-to-read paragraphs, and finally ending with a call to action.

    8. The 3-B Plan

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by first starting with a problem, then agitating that problem, and finally presenting your solution.

    9. Praise-Picture-Push (3P’s)

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by first starting with praise, then followed by a picture that illustrates the problem, and finally ending with a call to action.

    10. Awareness-Comprehension-Conviction-Action (ACCA)

    This formula is designed to get your prospect to take action by first creating awareness, followed by comprehension of the problem, followed by the conviction that your solution is the best option, and finally taking action.

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