10 Book Series Ideas
I'm fishing around for ideas. What are your thoughts?
Feel free to steal one for yourself.
1. A series on "What Would the Buddha Do?"
The Buddhist approach to a variety of common life scenarios.
2. A series of books on presidential habits.
Each book could focus on a different president.
3. A series on rule-breakers.
"The Rule-Breakers Guide to X."
4. A series on obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Each book could be focused on one set of obsessions or compulsions and how to overcome them.
5. A series on quitting jobs.
Stories on how people quit their jobs and what they did.
6. A series of interviews with the elderly.
Tell interesting stories, what they loved about their lives, what they regret, advice, etc.
7. A series of stoic guides ("A Stoic's Guide to X").
"Stoics Guide to Dating," "Stoics Guide to Careers," etc. But is stoicism a little overdone right now? A lot of people do seem to be into it.
8. A series on introversion.
This feels overdone too.
9. A series on overcoming fears (with exercises).
Overcome the fear of dating, overcome the fear of job interviews, etc.
10. A series on applying old philosophies to today's world.
"Transcendentalism Today," "Platonism Today," "Stoicism Today," "Taoism Today," etc.
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