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10 care positions for elderly people

Important ideas here. My additional thought if I can even articulate it is something a long the lines of Big Brother/Big Sister for seniors related to helping the more able-bodied get out and do physical stuff like hiking, get involved in some sort of class to learn, engage in some sort of volunteer opportunity or finding a creative outlet.

Kind of like a friend that helps older people stay active and engaged to they extent of what they can do.

Elderly people frequently need a lot of help, and the people that help them as caregivers also need a break. These are some jobs and maybe business ideas for people to fill some of these gaps. 

I find that a lot of my contemporary middle-age people in the US are part of the sandwich generation where they have children that they are raising and parents that are needing assistance. Some people live locally and many live across the country. These are some ideas for services that may help during these times. 

10 care positions for elderly people

    1. Care advocates

    People that will manage the process and stay on task on your behalf. This would be a good service to offer relief to local caregivers, or offered to be an advocate for people who may want to care for a relative, but live too far away. This person may need to have legal status to act, or at least inquire about somebody's health.

    I would imagine a business that would do. This would market to adult children that live out of the area. You could have standardized reports and a schedule of checking on living arrangements, whether they were in their own home or in an assisted living facility, the status of bills, and someone you could then create a web portal so that the family member who might live out of state could check in on the status of their family member that needed assistance. 

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