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10 Easy Ways To Maximize The Micronutrients You Get From The Food You Eat

Micronutrients = Vitamins + Minerals + More

Just because you think you're eating well, with loads of variety and a rainbow of color in your diet... doesn't mean that your body is absorbing everything you put into your mouth.

But here's what you can do to fix that:

    1. Chew well and break down the food in your mouth properly

    Stomach acid is a lot weaker than you think. Don't depend on your stomach to break food down when your mouth can do it first. If you're too lazy to chew, maybe you should just use a blender...

    2. If you have dry mouth problems, fix that first

    Maybe you're not drinking enough water. Or you have gastritis. Or any other issues that are causing dry mouth.

    Not only is it bad for your teeth, but saliva helps with digestion. Less saliva means less digestions means less micronutrient absorption.

    3. Get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night because your sleep levels affect your body's digestive system

    Not enough sleep can mean your body won't be digesting the food you eat properly. A good sign of this is bloating, flatulence, excessive burping after meals, and more.

    4. Cooking (especially on high heat) can destroy micronutrients in food

    Add more raw fare to your diet. Like fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and more. The less you cook (in general) the more nutritious your food will be.

    I was just watching an interview with a group of doctors in Africa the other day. They were helping people from malnourished tribes who weren't getting enough nutrients from their daily diet.

    They found that... the problem wasn't that they didn't have enough food to get nutrition from. The problem was that the way they cooked their food reduced micronutrient content to almost nothing.

    So they told the tribal people not to cook their herbs and vegetables, and to just eat them raw. In a couple of weeks, their health improved dramatically and the signs of malnourishment disappeared.

    5. Avoid stress. Or if you can't relax more. Listen to peaceful music.

    Stress affects your body's ability to digest and use food. Dramatically.

    6. Increase your daily fiber intake and eliminate constipation for good.

    When your colon's all clogged up, it makes it a lot harder for the body to absorb micronutrients from the food you eat.

    7. Get a juicer or blender daily.

    It makes food a lot easier for the body to absorb. Without spending hours of your day chewing.

    8. Get your emotional state right

    If your emotions are unstable, it can affect digestion and absorption as well.

    9. Provide your body with the enzymes, probiotics it needs to digest food

    People are eating more processed foods than every. This means that they hardly ever eat any fresh, raw produce like fruits and vegetables. The result? The body starts to lack the essential enzymes required for digestion.

    Add more raw, fresh foods to your diet helps. Adding more fermented foods to your diet helps too.

    10. Get more exercise. Move around more. At least an hour a day.

    Just because you're eating, and you're digesting the food you eat... doesn't mean that your body is properly circulating what it's getting from the food you eat. Get more exercise. When movement is poor, circulation is poor.
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