1. Coffee and Book Delivery Service
I didn't look, but I bet it exists. 2. High Intensity Intervals + Live Streaming + Lip Synching Competition
Peleton instructors do not do it for me. They are too cheesy. Maybe they're made to act that way, but I can't really enjoy their sessions because of the script they run. What if we took better music (Peleton lost the rights to a ton of music and was sued for streaming without some rights secure) and more fun people and did a live lip synch competiton during intervals?3. Community Athletics + Charity Cookout + Online Youth Club
Like a field days, but with the goal of getting young people engaged both online and outdoors. The key here is the crossover between in person and online communication. There's a loneliness epidemic and young people seem to feel isolated more than ever. Let's give them a collective purpose and reason to band together and achieve.5. Lawn Service + Carwash
7. Fitness App + Dating App
Honestly, how is this not a thing. 8. Home Workout Equipment + Timeshare/Rental
Sick of your rower? Trade it for a bike. Want to treadmill, move over, Eliptical9. Board Game/Card Game/RPG Delivery Box + Fitness/Nutrition/Supplement
More associations between games, leveling up, and rewarding behavior!
will talk about this on Infinite Levels
10. Doughnuts + Fiber Supplements
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