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10 Ideas for AI-Powered Education

At the current time, large language models are very good at being highly intelligent but not highly reliable collaborators. You also need to shape the output into something entertaining to read.

AL is also great for analysis and it can also perform mundane tasks like security monitoring 24/7.

Learning how to use computing tools is an important skill starting today. It will be a major differentiator between the haves and have-nots of the next 50 years.

I was a classroom teacher for a year and a half. Teaching is the most challenging job I've ever had by far. AI can help but it is not a panacea.

10 Ideas for AI-Powered Education

    1. Assignment for young kids: write a story with a LLM

    2. Assignment for middle school age kids: have an LLM help you write a software program that will do math problems for you: a web based calculator in Javascript

    3. High school-age kids: have an LLM help you research and give a presentation on a topic. This can be like speed dating: in one class how far can you get?

    4. For Teachers: Use AI to generate study questions on a reading.

    5. For Teachers: use AI to generate word problems and answer keys for math

    Double-check for accuracy!

    6. For administrators: use AI to generate reports on student data

    7. For teachers: use AI chat bots in the classroom to help advanced students explore new ideas, and also help students that are struggling with repetition.

    8. Use advanced video monitoring for school safety

    AI can tirelessly monitor hundreds of video streams in real-time 24 hours a day this frees up humans to do more nuanced work.

    9. Use advanced video monitoring for teacher self evaluation

    When I was teaching, any kind of monitoring, was intense, in person and high stakes. It was very high stakes and caused anxiety for me, because I was not very good at teaching. Artificial intelligence could be used so that a teacher could evaluate their performance privately without a public review and make adjustments to their classroom management style based on feedback from artificial intelligence.

    10. For district administrators, analyze large patterns of student performance

    In the United States student performance is frequently measured and compared based on race and gender. Artificial intelligence could give more subtle clues and potentially deeper insight about why some students do well and some students don't. It could potentially be cross referenced with particular addresses, and discover patterns that might escape human analysts.

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