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Ideas Post

10 Ideas Of Books I Could Write

    1. "The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Book in 30 Days"

    2. "The Ultimate Guide to Self Publishing Your Book"

    - How to self publish on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, etc. - How to self publish and make money even if you are not a famous author- How to self publish a novel- How to self publish nonfiction and make money.- Pros and Cons of self publishing vs traditional publishing.- When is it better to get published by a big publisher?- What are the best formats for books (novels, nonfiction)- The different types of publishers and who they are looking for. (For instance, Penguin Random House is looking for kids books right now).- The ten things that make it easier for books to sell (for instance, being in the New York Times Bestseller list). - Why you should write a series.- How much does it cost?

    3. "The Ultimate Guide to Blogging"

    - Why blogging is still relevant even though social media exists. - Why blogging is better than social media or any other platform.- The 5 reasons people blog. (product marketing, personal branding, authority building, storytelling/content marketing/customer service) - Who blogs? (entrepreneurs, business owners, employees of larger companies who want more freedom).- The 3 types of blogs: content marketing blogs (like this one), personal branding blogs, authority building blogs.- Types of posts that work well on all three types of blogs.- The 4 basic categories of blogging: Content Marketing ("10 Ideas Every Employee Should Know"), Personal Branding ("Why I left Google"), Authority Blogging ("How To Start A Company"), Storytelling ("How I started my company")

    4. "The Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing".

    This would be similar but different from Andrew Chen's book on email marketing.

    5. "The Ultimate Guide To Podcasting".

    I've done about 100 podcasts so far but I'd like to put together some ideas about what makes good podcasts.

    6. "The Ultimate Guide To Writing A Novel".

    I've written two novels so far but I'd like to put together all the advice I've gotten from friends and fellow writers into one book.

    7. "The Ultimate Guide To Negotiating"

    I've been negotiating deals for 25+ years but there's always something new. Here's an article I wrote recently on negotiation tactics
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