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Ideas Post

10 ideas to make NotePD (even) better

NotePd has been life-changing for me! I enjoy it and get a lot out of creating lists, experimenting with AI, reading other's lists and interacting with other NotePd-ers. These are primarily technical improvements with a theme to do simpler things but have them work better.

10 ideas to make NotePD (even) better

    1. Be able to assign arbitrary votes to your own ideas (or others) to make them easier to find

    This could work similarly to claps on Medium: you can give many "claps" to an idea. Their interface is pretty clever, because after you have added 10 claps, it gets to be pretty tedious so that you aren't just typing in 1000 claps. Then you can sort your own ideas and zero in on your good ones, or find the communities' good ideas.

    Being able to do this across all ideas means that very good/popular ones can rise to the top. You can also scale your enthusiasm, so something that is slightly clever gets five votes but something that is life-changing you could give 30 or 40 points.

    2. Simplify the buttons


    3. Make the iOS app work better (saving, fewer crashes)

    There have been tremendous improvements but it still regularly hangs on saving.

    4. Update the copyright notice to 2023 (soon to be 2024) (hint, use a variable)


    5. Allow text-only list-making, especially on mobile (no formatting helpers)

    The formatting for desktop works well, but it is not so good on iOS mobile. It would be good to be able to switch back and forth. I frequently start a list on mobile and clean it up on desktop. Like a "quick list" mode.

    6. Allow detailed searching and even AI summaries.

    7. Open source the code

    Some of us can provide the features that we are asking for

    8. Allow plugin development

    This would probably not be worth it...

    9. Try a monetization or ownership experiment (DAO)

    There is no obvious way that NotePD is making money. It is probably not terribly expensive to maintain at this point. I don't know if this is always meant to be a passion project or if James has ideas to turn this into the next Quora.

    You could turn this into a larger experiment of a digital autonomous organization (DAO).

    10. Virtual Meetups/idea jams

    I really like the asymmetric format and enjoy being able to control my interactions. It might be entertaining at some point to have collaborative idea jams, like a hackathon. It could be about anything like how to end world hunger, or something like that or even the best breakfast to make.

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