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10 market avatars that combine pain, ability to pay and growth where a Grand Slam Offer could be successful

This idea of a "Grand Slam Offer" is from Alex Hormosi's book $100m offers.

A Grand slam offer is something that is so good there are no competitors (and something that you could charge a lot of money for)

An avatar is a person in a target audience

A demographic area that will be growing for a long time is people over 65.

10 market avatars that combine pain, ability to pay and growth where a Grand Slam Offer could be successful

    1. A senior looking to socialize and play physical games for their level, from golf to kickball to chair volleyball

    You could create a franchise that could provide a variety of physical activities geared to seniors. More focused on socializing and fun than competition: there are already senior olympic games for the more competitive.

    2. A manager in the fast food industry with a severe staffing shortage.

    The answer could be a company with a combination of mercenary workers and automation that could go in at scale for a flat rate. The workers would be W2 with the staffing company letting the purchaser pay a predictable flat fee without having to pay health care, etc.

    3. Someone who wants to take up painting, woodworking, cooking, knitting, music or other hobbies

    Be the full supplier including courses. Sell weekly project kits and integrated training. Can be one-on-one or in a group setting. There are a number of businesses like this but maybe you could consolidate and scale.

    4. Someone needing to coordinate complex building maintenance requirements in an old age home

    Become the one-stop shop to solve these problems and then scale.

    5. Someone wanting to get a college degree but does not for financial reasons

    Develop an accreditation system that can confer degrees for people that study online, and scale. Allow people to invest in another persons education. @JamesAltucher suggested this concept as a use case for cryptocurrency.

    6. A business owner that wants to retire and needs to sell their business and their children don't want it

    This is what Codie Sanchez focuses on: unsexy but profitable businesses. Laundry, vending machine routes. She says that billions of dollars in businesses are in this situation. Many simply close.

    7. High Net Worth individuals needing flat fee wealth management

    Money management packages could be created at a flat fee instead of as a percentage of assets under management. For high net worth individuals, this could save them 6 or 7+ figures a year and you could still charge $50k plus.

    8. A health insurance hub to make sure that people can get paid something

    A coworker near retirement age just got hit with a $300,000 hospital bill for a week long emergency stay. Someone with a big bill that they can't pay would be a terrible customer but someone that could maximize correct payment in this situation might be able to make some money. Maybe if you were a hospital advocate that tried to get money from insurance and government programs?

    9. Recently retired people who want to travel: High end bucket list travel club.

    A custom travel agency that coordinates everything from flights to tours and meals. A customer can give you a bucket list itinerary and you can make it happen over a decade.

    10. Someone looking for a pleasant place to live in their final years

    So much housing for the elderly is dreary. If there are people with enough money to support a foundation you could have a high end retirement home that is all inclusive.

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