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10 perspectives from a 500 day NotePD streak

NotePD has been truly transformative for me. The practice of doing this every day, combined with voracious reading and taking small, consistent actions, has transformed my "inner life." I am grateful to @JamesAltucher for creating this system and website.

10 perspectives from a 500 day NotePD streak

    1. Applying "10 ideas" to everything

    This has been good for planning things to do over the weekend or working out the details for projects: for both my hobbies and my job. 10 seems to be a magical number.

    2. being actively curious throughout the day

    Because I have committed to doing this every day I always need to have a catalog of ideas to make a list from. This app is excellent because you can have several drafts in progress.

    3. Spending 10 or 15 minutes thinking about how to break down problem is extremely useful

    With the structure of 10 ideas, the first two or three will come to you almost immediately. Then you have to work harder for the rest and really turn an idea over your mind. Whether it is something fairly trivial like your favorite spices or something deeper like 10 things you want to accomplish with the rest of your life.

    4. As the directions say, combine this with reading to achieve superpowers

    5. I have gotten a lot out of other people's lists

    Some are thought-provoking, some have made recommendations, and some have made me laugh out loud.

    6. I have expressed over 5,000 ideas in writing

    That’s a lot! Even if 1% of the ideas were good, that is 50 good ideas.

    7. I have done things that I did not think I would do

    I have started a number of good habits: reading, publishing books, daily exercise.

    8. Writing has helped me start other habits and maintain a bias toward action.

    What else can I do today?

    9. The habit of writing and expressing myself has improved my writing and thinking

    10. The more I do, the easier life becomes in many ways

    There is a flywheel effect: read - think - do - reflect.

    11. Lots of lists are self reflective

    NotePD is similar to journaling in a lot of ways and kind of acts as a journal. But the 10 idea format keeps you going. It prevents me from turning a journal entry into a long, whining diatribe.

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