10 Professions You Can Start at 65
....or 66 or 67. The idea is that you retire from something else, now have time and retirement income, and can start on a new pursuit. Standard advice for a lot of career jumps is to start with a side hustle. In the case of retirement, you don't have to worry about maintaining the day job, since you have not quit it but retired! This gives the kind of security a day job gives, while freeing up your time to explore new directions.
What can be found in this post?
A lot of people took early retirement in the pandemic, and a lot more have simply hit retirement age and are considering next steps. Few of us want to just sit in a rocking chair. A lot of us must find another way to earn income, but a lot of us have a sort of "base pay" that can provide a cushion to allow taking chances or exploring options. This list won't give you a huge amount of detail, but it can be a useful starting point to help you figure out what you'd like to explore. Suggestion: pick one and make it the focus for your own list. For instance, "Consulting." Start a list of 10 areas of expertise in which I could consult.
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