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10 things I learned from "Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World" by Peter H. Diamandis (Author), Steven Kotler (Author)

This book was published in 2016 and still feels like it was written in the future.

10 things I learned from "Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World" by Peter H. Diamandis (Author), Steven Kotler (Author)

    1. They compare exponentially improving technology to the impact of an asteroid on the earth that killed the dinosaurs

    We are just at the beginning of the phase of technological development.

    2. Digitization and Demonetization as part of disruption

    At first, this change is invisible. He used Kodak as an example. They made money selling film and prints. Now it is digital and free.

    3. Exponential organizations are new in the 21st century

    Something like Instagram and now ChatGPT: relatively few employees and exponential adaption

    4. You can 3D print an object on the space station or moon that could not support its weight on Earth!

    New devices will be possible.

    5. Stone soup parable for building an idea into a reality

    Where the stones are your ideas and you slowly get the "villagers" to contribute the potatoes, seasoning and equipment to achieve the idea.

    6. These authors are pioneers in the space industry

    Many companies. They also regularly associate with Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson.

    7. They managed to get FAA approval to give Steven Hawking a parabolic space flight

    8. Jeff Bezos : “ it is more important to think of things that will not change in the next 10 years and things that will change in the next 10 years and focus on that”

    For example, people always want low prices and fast delivery. People may or may not want flying cars or some other things that don't exist yet. So, if you focus your energy on improving the things that will not change in the next decade, you will be rewarded.

    9. Cognitive surplus

    The idea that there are billions or trillions of hours of people sitting around looking for something to do. This will only increase as AI takes hold.

    10. As the inventor of the X prize Dr. Peter Diamandis goes into detail on crowd sourcing

    To run a successful crowdsourcing you need to have good marketing for your campaigns and design the incentives correctly. How can you do cross promotions, how can you give benefits to the people that are supporting your idea?

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