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10 things I learned from The Sweet Spot: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less by Christine Carter Phd

Find your groove, shift the small gears to change your life.

10 things I learned from The Sweet Spot: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less by Christine Carter Phd

    1. The Sweet Spot is a sports analogy

    When you hit a tennis ball in the sweet spot of a tennis racket it feels smooth, easy and powerful. If you miss the sweet spot it will still work but it is tiring and physically draining. A spot of great strength and ease.

    2. Have a goal of living in a state of sufficiency: related to mindfulness

    It is about having what you need of everything at all times. Not whether you are rich or in poverty but having enough. You will find that in the present moment, you will almost always have sufficient time and money and health to do what you are doing. This is better than thinking about the past or the future and worrying about not having enough.

    3. You need to play and rest as a rhythm of life

    Do this consciously.

    4. Regulate your stress response: it was once responsible for saving our lives but...

    Now we get stress responses for smaller and smaller things. Spilled milk can put us into full blown stress and rage mode if we do not self regulate.

    5. The opposite of stress is ease

    6. Flourishing is the balance of positive and negative emotions. We need both.

    Negative emotions and experiences can be guiding.

    7. Turn facts into experiences by reflecting on them

    Take in the good. Turn positive facts into positive experiences by reflecting and meditating: this turns a fact (good day at work, good meal) into an experience. For example, say you made a useful spreadsheet. If you take a moment to reflect on it, maybe take a selfie with it (?) the fact that you made a useful spreadsheet has become an event and a memory: the celebration of that spreadsheet.

    8. Habits are collections of mini habits and micro habits. Which habit is a keystone?

    For example, your bedtime routine. You go to sleep but you clean up dinner --> put on pajamas --> brush your teeth (mini habit) --> put the cap back on the toothpaste (micro habit). A keystone habit would cascade and change all subsequent habits: if you turned off all screens at 9 PM for example.

    9. Habits have triggers: both good and bad habits

    Whether it is smoking or working out.

    10. Spend 95% of your time on the 5 most important things

    These could be bigger topics, like health, wealth, and family. They could also be more specific, like preparing for a presentation. The better you get at saying no to the unimportant, the more progress you will be able to make on the important.

    11. Positivity resonance with other people

    When you mirror someone smiling, etc. this can happen on a micro level. Bodies are physically synchronizing in human interaction.

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