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10 things I want to do to be better at my work

I look after sales, marketing and software maintenance in my company

    1. Ignore the discomfort

    I need to ignore the fear and anxiety for the future. Not to numb myself towards future risks. But to understand that the fear is a part of my life for now, and I need to learn to live with it. The main solution is to keep working and solving problems one after another. There will be more problems of course, but at least I would be occupied rather than brooding, plus there is high from accomplishing something

    2. Fast

    I need to fast more consistently. For me not eating during the work day is helpful for my focus and energy. On the other hand, the urge to eat something to get away from the uncomfortable feelings is very strong indeed. But generally eating something spirals into an unproductive rest of the day. Need to not eat till 6 pm at least.

    3. Walk

    I need to start walking - again for the health and mental benefits. Still not doing too well with it. Will at least try for short walking breaks during the day. And then longer walks in the morning.

    4. No music

    Not listening to music helps me focus. I am working on finding joy in the work itself, instead of using the crutches of music and multiple cups of tea. I want to do just the work. I am grateful that I have an opportunity to do something and I plan to enjoy it.

    5. Read and watch

    During my down time, I want to read books related to business. Maybe memoirs, maybe leadership or entrepreneurship related. Also plan to watch youtube videos on business news and marketing. This is to increase my knowledge of course and also to stay in the zone.

    6. Journaling in the morning

    I am journaling everyday morning these days. It does seem to focus me for the day. Though the effect seems to last till about 2 pm and then I start wavering.

    7. One difficult task

    This I am yet to do. Everyday I should try doing one thing that I am procrastinating on. Or at least something difficult that is scaring me. I just need to plunge in, may do a little planning but not too much thinking, as then I will avoid it altogether again

    8. Think

    Spend some dedicated time to just think and plan. Not sure how exactly to do this. Maybe just jot down ideas as they come. Or discipline myself into just thinking. I would tend to daydream and go haywire with my thoughts. Need to do spend some focused time for just thinking. One option perhaps would be to do journaling before closing work and try to note down what didnt go well.

    9. Be grateful

    I need to be grateful to God for the opportunities. I need to grateful to our clients who are giving us a chance. I need to be grateful to my cofounders and coworkers for their support and presence.

    10. Just do the work

    Need to just do the work. period. for long hours. with all my focus and good intentions.

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