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Ideas Post

10 Things You Can Do Once We Have "Premium" Idea Lists

The content here is so great I was thinking there should be a way for users to monetize some of their great idea lists or other content.

So in the next few weeks users will have the capability of also makingj "premium" idea lists. Idea Lists you can charge for access. Here are some sample use cases for any users of notepd.

This won't replace regular public idea lists or private idea lists but if you have content you think would be great to charge for you can put set a price and put it in your premium idea lists.

Watch for this in about 2 or 3 weeks. The test is already done and is looking good.

    1. Online courses

    For instance, if you want to create a course about coding or crypto or sales or cooking or whatever. You can make "10 Lessons to Learn Python" and attach your course and charge $100 for it, or whatever you want. Or "How to Learn How to Cold Call", or "My Favorite Recipes" or whatever.

    2. Special Reports

    For instance, if you are an investor, perhaps a special report on "10 stocks to hedge against inflation"

    3. Chapters in Your Book

    Sort of like a patreon. Release a book in stages (or the entire thing) and charge $1 (or whatever you want) to read the book as it comes out.

    4. Same as above but with premium podcast episodes

    5. A newsletter

    If you want to write an ongoing newsletter (sort of like substack), you can host it here and charge for it.

    6. Whatever else you can think of!

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