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10 thoughts about online courses

I'm doing some research about online courses for a work thing.

10 thoughts about online courses

    1. Giving away 99% if not 100% of the knowledge for free

    This is something Alex Hormozi touched upon.

    2. And use the course to help with implementation

    3. One benefit of courses is accountability

    4. Another one is community

    5. There should probably be more practice than theory

    6. Giving exercises that have to be done in real life to complete the course

    For example, in Noah Kagan's course, you have to ask someone for $1 and you should ask for a 10% discount when you buy something.

    7. Build an audience first?

    I've thought about this a lot, I used to want to build an online course without an audience but eventually I decided to focus on building an audience first. This is something Virgil Brewster recommends.

    8. In most cases it's about the packaging

    Whatever the course, you can probably find the information for free, so it's mostly about how the course is packaged and the fact that it can save you a lot of time. And of course, as mentioned previously, it should be about implementation.

    9. There are so many options nowadays when it comes to hosting your course

    It's probably the last thing you should think about, though. I just came across someone on X who coded a minimalistic hosting platform which he's selling for under $50.

    10. You don't need to be an expert

    This is something that comes up a lot. Some people will even argue that it's better if you're only a few steps ahead of the people buying your course because you can better relate to them and your information will resonate better.

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