10 thoughts after watching Fantastic Fungi
Amazing Netflix documentary.
1. I knew so little about mushrooms
2. Paul Stamets is fucking amazing
3. I want to train myself to like mushrooms
While I have consumed psychedelic mushrooms, I'm not a big fan of mushrooms as food. I will train myself to enjoy them more by trying them in different types of dishes. Pizza is an easy one.
4. Mushrooms are FASCINATING
5. I wonder how true it is that some non-psychedelic mushrooms are like magic remedies
I already believe in the healing powers of psilocybin. I'm not as familiar with the alleged healing properties of some of the non-psychedelic mushrooms, such as Lion's Mane. Why not try it.
6. Mushrooms can actually be quite beautiful
7. I wish they had shown some of those HUGE mushrooms
Or did they? Maybe I didn't notice.
I saw a massive mushroom in the park the other day, and I thought it was a big rock.
8. I almost want to become an amateur mycologist
9. What if there are many other mushroom species out there that can benefit mankind?
10. They make a convincing case for psychedelic mushrooms
My girlfriend had a rather negative view of psychedelics, and I respected that. While I thought they would only briefly mention it, it turned out that a big part of the documentary was about psilocybin, and she said it was "very convincing."
While most of the documentary is not about psychedelics, it's a much better introduction to psychedelics than another Netflix documentary, "Have a Good Trip", which I thought was quite irresponsible.
I also recommend all four episodes of How To Change Your Mind.
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