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10 tips to go from no experience to Top Rated Plus on Upwork

If you're interested in digging deeper into this, check out my Premium List on how to reach Top Rated Plus level.

    1. Accept low-paid gigs at first to get reviews

    2. Eventually stop going for low-paid gigs and don't be afraid of the cheap competition

    3. Specialize

    Either find one specific, rare skill that can be used in one or several fields, or find a combination of two or more skills (travel video editor, recipe writer, guided meditations voice-over actress, ...)

    4. Offer a service they didn't know they wanted

    Is there a non-obvious, valuable thing you could provide that people haven't thought of but would be interested in? I offer comedy writing services; most people never thought about the existence of this job but some of them sure would love to add some humor to their content.

    5. Eventually focus on finding well-paid gigs that are likely to be long-term

    You become Top Rated Plus by earning $5000 on one single contract (or $10,000, depending on the skill category).

    6. Send a lot of proposals

    Spend several hours a day doing this if you can. It will be boring. I guess you could outsource this.

    7. Don't assume your long-term contract won't suddenly stop, and keep applying

    I had a great gig going on for a couple of months, I knew I should probably keep applying to other gigs just in case but I kept postponing it. Then my client disappeared in New Orleans and was eventually found dead in the Mississippi river.

    8. Expand your skills

    I was only doing writing work, and then when I suddenly got contacted out of nowhere to make funny video ads, I realized I could do that too. I learned how to make basic videos on Canva and realized it was pretty easy. I could have kept expanding my skills by learning how to do actual video editing if I had been more interested in it.

    9. Look at freelancers' Projects and see how you can offer specific ones that might have demand

    Take a look at speech writing Projects. How much are people charging and could you charge more for something more specific? Maybe you could specialize in corporate speeches or motivational speeches.

    10. Complete the gig before applying

    If it doesn't take too much time and the client included enough information in his job posting, you could just do the work before applying in order to prove them you can do it. For example, maybe they're looking for a ghost writer to write a 250-word picture book. That's doable.

    If it's too much work, you can just create a short sample.

    However, once contact has been made, I don't recommend accepting free work.

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