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10 ways jobs have been lost

    1. Get Downsized due to investor pressure

    This just happened at my company this week. Yikes!

    2. Get downsized because the company you work for is in some kind of death spiral

    3. Mouth off to the boss

    Watched this happen...

    4. Punch a wall at work

    Watched this happen...

    5. Physically threaten someone at work

    I watched this happen: I am big, about 6' and was 275 lbs at the time, But this HUGE guy (6'8" from parts unknown... weighing in at 350+) started yelling at me in front of the whole office I don't remember what it was about but I made some kind of (probably snarky) comment that really set him off. I was not yelling back but if I did we would have looked like a couple of bull elephant seals. He was escorted from the building about 15 minutes later and apologized to me on the way out.

    6. Get caught stealing

    Watched this happen...

    7. HR person looked up people's dirt and then psychotically confronted them

    In the US you have your social security number and home address on file with your employer. People in your HR department have access to that information and can basically steal your identity because you gave it to them. This person was led out.

    8. Be incompetent

    I have been that guy more than once in my life: everyone was better off in the long run.

    9. Be drunk/high at work to the point that it interferes with your job.

    The person that I am thinking of was black-out drunk at a moving company. I watched him throw a circular saw on top of a piano. he was not there the next day.

    10. Show up 3 hours late without explanation

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