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10 Ways to be a better person that are free, but hard to do

    1. Don't be a hypocrite

    If you are not perfect, stop judging others.

    2. Learn how to say you are sorry

    When you mess up, own up to it, and quickly apologize.

    3. Learn how to admit you are wrong

    Have strong opinions, but learn how to change course quickly.

    4. Eat less

    You don't need a diet, just put down the fork.

    5. Move more

    You don't need to pay for a personal trainer unless you literally have no idea what you are doing.

    6. Laugh and smile more

    Laughter is a natural high and people want to be around others who smile.

    7. Talk to yourself like you would a friend

    Do you tell your friend they are an idiot after making a small mistake? Treat yourself the same. A good friend lifts others up while also making sure they are handling the basics well.

    8. Do something nice for others

    Hold a door open. Remember someone's birthday. Do the dishes for your partner, without being asked. Call your mother and tell her you love her.

    9. Be grateful

    No matter your circumstances, if you live in a Western country, you are lucky. Even if you are homeless, you can find your way to get some food and a roof over your head with some air conditioning and internet.

    10. Find one thing you want to get better at and go on youtube or go to the library

    Start. Get some momentum. Quit if you end up not liking it and move on to something else.

    11. Focus more

    Get more things off your plate, so you can really focus and improve on some details. Once you get on auto-pilot, add an item to your plate.

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