1. Listen with an open mind
2. Validate that you understood what was said.
3. Try very hard not to raise your volume or change your tone.
I have a hard time with this.4. Acknowledge where you and the other person agree
5. Decide how important being “right” is
6. Don’t be in a hurry.
Driving. Talking. Standing in a Queue. 7. Remember what Mom taught you.
Please. Thank You. etc.8. Accept that not everyone sees things the way you do
And that's OK.9. Realize you might be the one in the wrong.
Haven't you ever accidentally upset someone? It happens.10. Act. Don’t react.
When you are reacting you've let the other person, group, etc. take control. Keep control by acting on what happened or was said. Not reacting to what happened.11. It won’t always work.
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