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10 ways to expand your professional network

    1. Cold emails

    Go to LinkedIn, find people that are doing cool stuff and see if they are available for a virtual coffee

    2. Use your existing network

    Ask your warm contacts whether they can introduce you to others. Offer to introduce them to people they are interested in.

    3. Go to networking lunches

    A lot of them may be remote so you don't even need to be in the same city / place

    4. Review your business cards

    I'm sure you have a stack somewhere you've saved over the years. Go through them and connect with them on LinkedIn.

    5. Write articles

    If you're on LinkedIn, it'll have to be work-related but write articles sharing what you know / learned / mistakes / opinions.

    6. Add existing and former coworkers

    Although I wouldn't say add everyone you have interacted with, I would say to add those people you have had a good interaction with - maybe you've talked about personal things, maybe you worked on a project together, etc.

    7. Ask your former coworkers for recommendations

    I like to kick things off by writing up recommendations for former coworkers. Sometimes they'll return the favour. Sometimes they won't (but that's okay).

    8. Promote your network's skills

    Again, the idea is to give without expecting anything in return.

    9. Identify companies you want to work at

    See if you can find in-roads into those companies through different contacts. Maybe it's a friend of a friend. Maybe there are info sessions where the recruiter can put you in touch with the right people.

    10. Ask strangers

    If you meet someone and you don't know if you'll interact with them again / have a chance to build up a relationship, ask them if you can add them on LinkedIn. Build it up from there.

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