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Ideas Post

10 ways to live your core values

James's AI is impressive!

    1. Don't do anything that you don't want your future self to know about.

    The idea is, if you are not willing to tell your future self what you did today then maybe you shouldn't have done it.

    2. Be honest and direct.

    If someone asks you, "Do I look fat?" answer honestly. Don't say, "You look great" when the truth is, "Yes". Because they will find out eventually and then they will be upset with you for lying.

    3. Say "I love you" more often

    4. Call your parents more often.

    They are getting older and this is probably the last time in their lives they will be able to pick up the phone and call their kids whenever they want.

    5. Don't gossip

    Ever (But I guess everyone knows this one already)

    6. Write down 10 ideas a day no matter what

    Even if they are bad ideas or just simple things like, "Call Robyn at 4" Just write them down so you remember them later on when they might actually be good ideas

    7. Be grateful for what you have instead of yearning for more stuff or experiences or other people's lives that seem better than yours

    8. Ask for help when you need it but also help others when you can without taking too much time away from your own goals and dreams

    9. Spend less money than you make so that when times get tough, which they always do eventually, there's some cash on hand to keep going until things get better again. This doesn't mean being miserly but rather spending only on real needs in


    10. Write down three things every day that made me happy in some way even if it was just eating an ice cream cone or talking with a friend or reading a book or having sex (or all four!)

    And try not to think about anything else except these three things each day until bedtime comes around so I can sleep well and start fresh the next day doing more of those three things that made me happy even if sometimes it seems like life is boring and meaningless (which sometimes it is)

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