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10 Ways To Start a Conversation With an Attractive Woman at a Coffee Shop

I've been working out of coffee shops nearly every day for years, so I've had countless encounters with lovely women.

For the record, if you're into men, I think these ideas would work with guys as well.

I let AI fill in the last four for fun.

10 Ways To Start a Conversation With an Attractive Woman at a Coffee Shop

    1. Excuse me, my name's [insert your name], what's your name?

    2. I'm curious why you decided to wear [insert interesting attire she's wearing].

    3. Hi there, you're really cute, and I thought I'd come over and say hello.

    4. [As she's putting creamer/sugar into her drink.] Wow, do you plan on having any coffee with your creamer/sugar?

    5. [If she's reading a book] What are you reading?

    6. [If she's reading a book] Excuse me, I've read that book before. I learned X. What are you learning from it?

    7. [If she's reading a book] Hi. What are you reading?

    8. [Looking at what she's reading.] That looks really hard to read.

    9. [If you're both near the same power outlet.] Do you mind if we share an outlet?

    10. Are you as cold/hot in here as I am?!

    11. [AI] Compliment Her Style

    Start off by complimenting her style, whether it is her outfit, her hair, or her jewelry. Not only will this make her feel good, but it will also give you something to talk about and get the conversation going. Plus, it will show her that you care about her and are interested in getting to know her.

    12. [AI] Ask Her About Herself

    Asking her questions about herself is a great way to start a conversation. Ask her about her hobbies, interests, and career. This will show her that you are interested in getting to know her on a more personal level.

    13. {AI] Talk About Your Common Interests

    If you find out that you have something in common, use it to start a conversation. Talking about your common interests will show her that you have something in common and that you are interested in getting to know her better.

    14. [AI] Ask for Her Opinion

    Asking for her opinion on something is a great way to start a conversation. Ask her opinion on a current event, or a movie that you both just watched. This will show her that you value her opinion and that you are interested in getting to know her better.

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