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11 Ideas From James Altucher’s “Skip the Line”

I am creating this list to remind myself of the lessons I learned from James Altucher's "Skip the Line." Were there any major ideas I forgot to include?

    1. Who Are You? Why Are You? Why Now?

    How would you structure the perfect (ideal) day? What photos are saved on your phone? What energizes you the most?

    2. The 10,000 Experiment Rule. Instead of Investing Ten Thousand Hours Into One Activity, Do 10,000 Experiments to Fail and Learn Fast.

    A good experiment is easy to set up and do with few downsides and huge potential upside. Do something that has never been done before. Learn something whether the experiment succeeds or fails.

    3. The 1% Rule. Strive to Improve at Least 1% Each Day to Become 38 Times Better at the End of the Year.

    Create a feedback loop. Deliberate practice is the key to progress.

    4. Build Micro Skills: Each Skill Is Really a Basket of Smaller Skills

    Business micro skills: sales, negotiation, idea creation, execution, leadership, management, marketing, selling the business, project management, follow-ups, networking, delegating, etc.

    5. Plus Minus Equals

    Plus: Get a mentor (can be a person or books)
    Minus: Teach it (teaching someone else helps you get better too)
    Equals: Challenge yourself (collaborate or compete with peers)

    6. Exercise the Possibility Muscle: Write 10 Ideas Daily and Execute the Best One

    When writing down ideas, try to implement the best ones right away.

    7. Find the Conspiracy Number (Or How to Know if an Idea Is Good or Bad)

    Don't jump into your first idea.
    - Instead, write all potential ideas.
    - How many things need to happen to make it a success
    - Highest potential with the lowest number of things that need to happen.

    8. 50/1 Rule: The 80/20 Rule Taken to Its Extreme

    Figure out the 20% of actions that result in 80% of results, then the 20% of that 20% and do more of that.

    9. Get Comfortable on the Edges of the Unknown

    Become comfortable feeling lonely, depressed, anxious, and afraid when exploring the frontiers of your knowledge.

    10. Overpromise and Over Deliver

    Promise the best you can do and push yourself to do better than that.

    11. Learn Into the Fear. If There Is No Fear, There Is No Growth.

    Fear is the catalyst for growth. Doing too much in your comfort zone leads to stagnation.
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