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12 limits to human knowledge

    1. We can not know beyond what we already know unless we learn it

    Our existing knowledge base limits our ability to expand our knowledge, and we need to learn new information to increase our understanding.

    2. We can not view the unseen we have to infer it

    Some phenomena are not directly observable, and we have to use tools like mathematics and science to understand them, such as atoms, dark matter, dimensional space, etc.

    3. People are completely ignorant about the depth of knowledge

    People often underestimate the extent of knowledge available in various fields: We may not fully appreciate the depth of knowledge available in different fields, which can limit our ability to learn and grow.

    According to the Oracle of Delphi, Socrates was the wisest man in the world. Socrates went to disprove it. He sought out the most knowledgeable people he could find to refute it. He discovered that these people only thought they knew a lot; upon closer inspection, their knowledge was either limited or false.

    4. Unread Library Effect

    The "unread library effect" fallacy is a mistaken belief that simply owning or having access to a large number of books, without actually reading them, somehow confers knowledge or intellectual status upon the owner. In other words, the idea is that if you have a lot of books on your bookshelf, you must be smart or knowledgeable.

    This can lead to laziness or complacency, where people may feel satisfied with simply owning books and not actually engaging with the content or challenging their own ideas and assumptions.

    5. We often confuse reasoning with emotion

    Emotions can sometimes interfere with logical reasoning: Our emotions can cloud our judgment and interfere with our ability to reason logically and objectively. Cognitive biases, distortions, and logical fallacies.

    6. No human can truly understand another human being completely

    No one can fully comprehend another person's thoughts, feelings, and experiences: Our subjective experiences prevent us from comprehending the thoughts of others. We frequently fail when we try to read into the motives of others or predict what they will do.

    Consider, how many times have your friends and family have misread or misinterpreted what you have said?

    7. We can not know everything

    The extent of human knowledge is limited: Our capacity for knowledge is limited, and there may be aspects of the world that are unknowable.

    8. People are limited by intelligence in being able to reason high order abstractions

    There is a limit to the level of abstraction the human mind can comprehend.

    9. We tend to not seek knowledge that we don't care about

    People often only seek knowledge that they find personally interesting or useful: Our personal interests and biases can limit our willingness to seek out new and diverse knowledge.

    10. We tend to seek knowledge which affirms our beliefs

    We may seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs rather than seeking out alternative perspectives or challenging our assumptions.

    11. Our knowledge is limited by our perceptions

    Our knowledge is limited by our ability to perceive and interpret the world around us: Our ability to perceive and interpret information is limited by our biological and cognitive capabilities, and this can restrict our understanding of the world.

    12. Ethical Limits

    Ethical limitations place a limit on our knowledge, such as human experimentation.

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