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2024 report (future year)

I got this idea from Dr. Benjamin Hardy: 3 goals for the year, reporting on events as if they have already happened and reporting for the first quarter of 2024. What will you do? What will your focus areas be? What will you have achieved?

    1. What did you do this year?

    First quarter: I published the "Creative Career" book. It was the #1 selling career book on Amazon for a while. It's been read by over 30,000 people and it continues to sell every day. I also started dating my girlfriend, which is going well. And I released my first novel, "Zero to Creative", which sold very well and got great reviews. Second quarter: I launched the podcast and wrote some articles for various publications (see below). Third quarter: My second book came out ("Choose Yourself!") and continued doing more podcasts. My site has grown to over 100k readers a month reading my newsletters (thanks!). And we bought a new apartment in NYC for $4 million dollars! Fourth quarter: More podcasts, articles, books, etc
    I'm not saying this to brag but because it's important to track what you are doing each year so you can learn from your successes and failures. Because that's how you get better at whatever it is you want to do in life.

    2. What were your major challenges this year?

    really but there were some moments of self-doubt when things weren't going as planned or when people would criticize me or when things didn't go as well as I had hoped with some projects that I thought were going to be big successes but didn't quite make it (e.g., launching the podcast). But nothing too bad that made me want to quit or anything like that. Just normal stuff everyone goes through at some point in their lives.

    3. How did you overcome these challenges? How will you overcome future challenges?

    I just kept moving forward despite any doubts or criticisms or disappointments along the way. That's all one can do sometimes in life--just keep moving forward no matter what happens around us or within us. This is why meditation is so important because it gives one the ability to observe one's thoughts without getting caught up in them and then move past them if they are not serving one's goals and desires.
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