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5 things that are common today that were science fiction 30 years ago and 5 things that will be common in 30 years that are science fiction today

    1. Common today: 4k video

    30 years ago I used to work in the television and film industry. At the time the technology did not exist to even have 1080 P images. In 1994, it was possible to do film scanning to 1080P at 4 frames per second but the equipment that you needed cost millions. Now you have a 4K image at 240 frames per second in your hand.

    2. Common today: Google Maps/Earth

    3. Common today: Streaming video over the internet while traveling at almost any speed

    4. Common today: Essentially free worldwide communication

    5. Common today: cars can park themselves

    6. In 30 years: it will be illegal for humans to drive cars

    7. In 30 years: artificial general intelligence will have been compounding in its capabilities for probably 10 to 15 years. Human beings will have no idea what it is doing.

    8. In 30 years: Artificial general intelligence will control many services. It will be like Idiocracy

    9. In 30 years: wide usage of cryptocurrencies not controlled by governments

    10. In 30 years: There will be regular weather events 10 times stronger than what we have today: tidal waves, fires, hurricanes and tornadoes. There will be storms with 500 mph winds.

    We will have to create new ways to measure them and new names to categorize the super storms

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