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5 Ways I can go from being knowledgeable about SaaS to a confident practitioner

I spend a lot of time (read: at least one hour per day) reading about marketing, growth, and pricing in the SaaS space. I do this because I'm still relatively new to the field, despite almost 2 years at my job, and because I learn by reading. Although I tend to absorb a lot of information by simply reading and reflecting, I'd like to be able to shift more of it to my long-term memory and integrate complicated concepts into my conversations with clients. By writing this list, I hope to elucidate some of the actions I can pursue in service to these goals.

    1. Write NotePD lists to summarize articles I read

    Writing, even in the form of summary, is much more active than reading.

    2. Write about how a concept I learned about could be applicable in a client case

    To go beyond summary, I could think about how every concept I learn about could be applied at a different company. I could select the companies from among my clients, to make the example stick and to hopefully solidify the knowledge. Since I've worked with nearly 20 companies, I should have plenty of options to choose from.

    3. Talk at myself in an effort to teach the concept(s) I just learned about

    They say teaching is one of the most effective ways of demonstrating understanding. This would be challenging but definitely helpful, especially since I now spend so much of my job talking.

    4. Propose conversation groups at work to discuss new concepts

    We used to do this all the time, but many people didn't find the sessions valuable and management decided to pull the meetings. I'd like to bring these back, but only among interested parties for now.

    5. Double down on learning through reading by listening to podcasts or other auditory content on the same subject

    I've always found repetition to be one of the most effective levers in leveling up my working memory and understanding. By accompanying visual content consumption with auditory consumption, I hope to hasten my ability to reference important concepts.

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