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5 Ways to improve the workplace


    1. Pomodoro

    Take little breaks

    2. Spread out over time?

    Different what most others say but I have quite a few different constituencies (day job, fire department, foundation and so on). I find it much easier to take care of tasks as they come in. They usually don't take much time and so knocking them out now means less things piling up for me to do.

    Spreading 40 hours of work over 60 hours seems to be far less stressful and allows for not doing something that you don't really feel like doing at the moment.

    3. "Got your email, will get back to you shortly."

    Acknowledging the task (email or text or whatever) right away and saying "later" works.

    4. Completely different tasks

    There are huge advantages of having multiple constituencies. This morning I had a quick zoom call for the foundation (research volunteer) and then needed to review an ERISA document (day job). These tasks came in after having spent some time putting together an experience log (fire department). These task are completely unrelated. But time spent on one, is a break from the other(s). This back and forth has been part of my life for many years now and keeps me mentally fresher.

    5. Quit your job.

    Mark Baker from Twitter is big on this and why I included that very funny meme above...funny to me anyway. Not that I think people should quit in rash fashion with no planning but do that planning, figure out a path to work for yourself whether that is something full time or having multiple side hustles, whatever. Owning my time is probably my highest non health and welfare priority.

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