6 Ideas To Remember Your Dreams At Night
I have been attending online dream workshops for the past month and I can hardly remember any of my dreams, so I started searching for ways to unlock what's in my subconscious mind while I dream
1. Recording the dream on your cell phone voice recorder
Some people record their dreams in a phone voice message. This doesn't work for me because I sleep all through the night and my dreams don't wake me up!
2. Write down the dream in a notebook beside Your bed
Ditto for this not working for me, as I don't wake up until morning, so have no chance of picking up a pen from the nightstand.
3. Ask Someone to wake you up during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movements) visible under your eyelids
Others can see your eyes dreaming while you are sleeping. Maybe I can train my dog to wake me. Nah. He has his own dreams.
4. Buy a special eye mask that lights up during your REM sleep
You can purchase a mask with a light flashing within the mask as you hit REM sleep, but I don't think I will fall asleep wearing an eye mask to begin with, as I have never been able to, but I appreciate this technology for those who can.
5. Set an alarm for 90 minutes after you go to sleep as REM sleep is strongest at that time.
I don't want to do this as I love my sleep, but I do remember waking to a recurring dream of sleeping in a beach cottage. I still wake to this dream. My dream book says 'water is purifying and cleansing'*
*The Secret Language of Dreams by David Fontana
Maybe I could set the alarm for earlier than my usual wake up time and catch myself in a dream?
6. My dream book ‘The Secret language of Dreams’ says Water means ‘you find a way around things.’
My recurring dreams are in a water environment. Upon waking in the morning is a lady drawing me to where she is standing in the middle of the water to give me light and love. My dream book says 'water is primal and is associated with purity, peace and sustenance.'
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