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6 Reflections From Being Sober For 5 Years

I was never a huge fan of drinking, but I started drinking when I was in college. Drinking alcohol, and it's terrible cousin binge drinking alcohol, is interwoven into the fabric of American Universities. It's very difficult to avoid if you want to have any kind of social life while attending an American institution of higher education. After college, it continued at a bar where us out of town Giants fans would congregate to root on our beloved Big Blue Wrecking Crew. I would try to get away with drinking as little as possible, but it was very difficult to do so without someone putting a shot in front of you and yelling at you if you refused to take it.

So one day, I just stopped. I just removed myself from that environment and never looked back. I was sick and tired of the hangovers and showing up to work feeling like death. Below are 10 reflections from being sober for 5 years.

    1. Better Sleep/Better Sex

    It's easier to fall asleep, and the quality of the sleep is much better. I wake up with more energy and feel much better.

    2. More Money

    There's a reason that bar/restaurant owners guard their liquor license fiercely. They make a fortune off of selling poison to their guests. Even the most disciplined can go on a bender and spend too much after walking into a bar and saying, "I'll have only one."

    3. Clearer Mind

    My mind can be a terrifying place to be at times. Being sober has made it less scary.

    4. Fake Friendships Die

    It's astounding how many "friendships" are just based on alcohol.

    5. The Saying "You Can't Have Fun Without Alcohol" Is B.S. Spread By People Too Weak To Give It Up

    Since I stopped drinking, I've traveled to 6 countries, sung at many karaoke nights, and done street comedy in front of hundreds of people. I've yet to make a million dollars, but I'm working on it.

    6. I Look and Feel Healthy

    I'm in pretty good shape and I feel good (on most days).

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