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6 Tips for High School Seniors

H/T @Agar

The previous list inspired me to write my own tip list to my graduating high school senior.

6 Tips for High School Seniors

    1. Enjoy the Summer

    Graduating high school is a worthy accomplishment. Your world is about to change. Many of these people you may never spend time with again. Regardless of what you have to accomplish before fall rolls around, make sure you take time to enjoy the Summer. The memories will be worth it.

    2. DO NOT take a "gap year".

    Contrary to my first tip, make sure that when September arrives, you're out of the starting blocks. It is too easy for a gap year or a semester off to turn into a new habit.

    3. Wait to start college

    Again. Different from a gap year. It can be valuable to gain real world work experience. Maybe enlist in the military. Maybe convert the part time job you had into a full time one. Not only are you learning important life skills, you are also experimenting and learning about things you may want to study.

    4. Nothing is permanent.

    When you graduate high school, no one should expect you to have your whole future mapped out. And even if you do, it will almost certainly change. Don't be afraid to try something. Take a chance.

    5. Start saving NOW.

    If you don't already have an interest earning savings plan or a habit of saving, start one immediately. The amount you can save isn't even important. Creating the habit of saving is important. Right now, your largest asset is time. Compound interest on funds that are squirreled away in an IRA of some type is a gift that keeps on earning.

    6. Get your hands dirty.

    Even if you are destined to be the next PhD in Philosophy, knowing simple home or auto repair skills will pay dividends your entire life. And it can be empowering.

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