A mind that has truly changed cannot go against itself. (1 min 6 sec)

When a genuine transformation occurs within the mind, it aligns with new, thoughts, beliefs, values, and intentions.
A mind that has truly changed has shifted from fear-based thinking to love-based thinking.
1. When we genuinely forgive another person, our mind shifts from holding onto resentment, anger, and judgment to embracing love, compassion, and understanding.
Once this change occurs, it becomes challenging for us to revert to the old patterns of resentment because our transformed mind values forgiveness and healing.
2. When we practice releasing fear and choosing love instead our mind experiences a profound shift.
Fear-based thoughts lose their grip, and we become more centered in love and inner peace. It's difficult for our mind to engage in actions or thoughts driven by fear because our mind is now aligned with love and fearlessness.
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