Are There Things You Wished You Liked But You Don’t?
1. Skiing
When you grow up in a ski area, you are expected to enjoy skiing. Unfortunately, that was never the case for me when I was younger.
2. Cars and driving
Cars have always been a necessary evil for me.
3. High political ideals
Quite terrible: demonstratively moral politics.
4. Hustling culture
I am also somewhat skeptical about the idea of becoming a better person.
5. Pop music on the radio
6. Endless small talk
7. Positive thinking
8. Cold showers
However, for health reasons, I decided to try them again.
9. Mornings
That period between five and eight am
10. Popular sports and their results
Soccer World Cups are usually an exception. However, I didn't care about Qatar and didn't watch a single game in full.
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