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Before Abraham, I Am. (2 min 25 sec)

    1. Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a young boy named David.

    He was curious about life and often asked his parents deep questions. One day, he asked his father, "Dad, where did I come from? What was I before I was born?"
    David's father smiled and began to tell him a story. He said, "Well, David, before you were born, you existed as something more than just a baby. You were part of something vast and eternal. Imagine it like this – you are a drop of water in a great ocean of wisdom and love. This ocean is called 'I Am.'"
    David was intrigued and asked, "But how can I be a part of this 'I Am' ocean?"
    His father continued, "You see, David, the 'I Am' is beyond time and space. It's not confined to any particular moment or place. It's the source of all that exists. Long before people like Abraham walked the Earth, 'I Am' was and still is.
    David thought for a moment and then asked, "So, if I'm a part of this 'I Am,' does that mean I'm older than Abraham?"
    His father nodded and said, "Exactly, David. 'I Am' is timeless, and so are you. You existed even before the days of Abraham. It's like being a character in a story that has no beginning or end."
    As David pondered this, he began to realize that his true self was not limited to his physical body or the time he was born. He understood that he was connected to something greater, something eternal. This revelation brought him a sense of peace and wonder.
    From that day on, David embraced the idea that he was more than just a person living in a specific time and place. He recognized that his true identity, like the vast 'I Am' ocean, is timeless and boundless. This understanding allowed him to navigate life's challenges with a sense of inner peace, knowing that he was part of something much greater than himself.
    And so, David learned that the words "Before Abraham, I Am" held a profound truth – that each of us is connected to an eternal source of love and wisdom, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
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