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"befriend your local doomsday prepper"

That Tweet was probably an assessment of the problems potentially coming from price inflation and the inevitable policy errors that will come from this whole mess.

A reply in the thread asked "Why would anyone want to survive the doomsday?" And this reply resonated, "Not me, I have enough food and supplies to survive a disruption but in case of total collapse I'd rather not stick around."

Disruption seems like the highest probability threat if anything bad were to happen. We saw that in the first few months of the pandemic, shelves were bare of meat and toilet paper.

Three or four years ago our power went out for 7 or 8 days in a snow storm. I've told this story before but thing that needed fixing was on the back side of a mountain that was not accessible because there was too much snow. Two winters ago, the local ISP went down for several days and two guys had to snow shoe for a couple of hours to get to the equipment to replace batteries (we use a satellite company for our ISP and were unaffected).

Our landline infrastructure is so old that some of the parts needed to maintain it don't really exist. The phone company has had to buy parts on eBay. There are not enough lines at the main box for everyone one to make a call at the same time. Although it's never happened before, in theory we might need to pick up the phone and wait to get a dial tone.

In a blog post from earlier today I mentioned the shortage of medicine in Sri Lanka. That could happen here.

There are a lot of thinks that could go wrong, I don't expect any sort of apocalyptic outcome, I don't even know that I expect major disruptions or nuisances but I don't want to get caught wrong footed by this sort of thing if it happens.

The opposite of being negative here, I think it is great that we can potentially prevent or solve many of these potential problems for ourselves. You can make sure you have a little more food on hand than running out in three days, we've talked many times about behavior changes to reduce the odds of taking medication (lift weights, cut carbs). My wife and I have gone partially off grid with solar that has battery backup. If the power goes out for an extended period we get more than enough sun to make it 24 hours until tomorrow's sunlight will fill the batteries back up. If there's no sun, we can use a generator to fill up the batteries. Not green but very self-sufficient.

I don't think that is doomsday prepping just ensuring resiliency. There is tremendous satisfaction from preventing your own problems, this is becoming more of a priority for me as I get older.
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