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Beyond The Body. (1 min 35 sec)


Our true essence isn't limited to our physical form. Imagine your body as mere clothing, masking something far more vital and enduring - your authentic self. 
It's like recognizing you're not merely the clothes you wear; you are, in essence, liberated from them. This perspective allows you to see beyond physical appearance and bodily constraints, realizing you're an unchanging masterpiece crafted by a force greater than us, which I call God or Love. You may have a different name for it or none at all.
Consider Taylor's Scenario
Did Taylor look past her body's exterior to find the deeper, unchanging self, filled with freedom and the love of the Creator? Or did she opt for plastic surgery to fix what she saw as 'imperfections'?

    1. Taylor was criticized for her physical features: her hair's length and thickness, the distance between her eyes, the width of her nose, and the length of her chin.

    2. She faced pressure to change her appearance to conform to others' standards.

    3. Attempts to alter her appearance led to an extreme result – a bald-headed version of Taylor.

    4. Ultimately, Taylor didn't give in to the misperceptions of others.

    She embraced her true self, realizing she was more than just a body. She recognized her inherent freedom and the perfection in how she is being created.
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