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Books I Turn to Over and Over

These books aren't just influential for me, although that's key. They are books I go back to. Some are new, some are old. They're not even my "Top 10." The list could change next week. But for sure, all have had an impact.

Books I Turn to Over and Over

    1. The Go-Giver

    A business parable, The Go-Giver uses the vehicle of fiction to engagingly present practical principles.

    2. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig

    I read this one back in graduate school soon after it came out. ZAMM has stood the test of time for me. I re-read it regularly.

    3. Go for No by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz

    I have, like many people, had a hard time hearing "no," which has made me reluctant to ask. Go for No is another business parable that help me form, gut level, a different and more effective response.

    4. Choose Yourself and Skip the Line, both by James Altucher.

    Not just sucking up to James, so I'm putting both of these on one line. :) But I truly keep coming back to these. I got Choose Yourself soon after it came out since I was reading James's blog. I got Skip the Line only in October, so they sort of bookend his writing for me.

    5. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

    The War of Art helped me understand the nature of Resistance and prodded me to overcome it. It's not the same as writer's block, but it can be as devastating. Though I'm a writer and a speaker, the principles here apply to running a plumbing business.

    6. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

    Perspective changing. Not the easiest read, but The Power of Now is thought-provoking, and I find myself coming back to it.

    7. The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

    The Aladdin Factor came out soon after they wrote their first couple of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. This is another that stands up well over time. The first half of the book uses the familiar story of Aladdin and the magic lamp to convince you to ask for what you want. The second half goes into practical detail about how to ask.

    8. The Message, a translation by Eugene Peterson

    You may or may not care about The Bible. It has certainly been badly used over centuries. Nevertheless, if you can dispense with preconceived notions, it is a fascinating book. I like The Message because it reads like a modern novel—very accessible. Not for serious study, but great for inspiration.

    9. The Tao Te Ching, a translation by Stephen Mitchell

    Just as Eugene Peterson made The Bible accessible, so has Stephen Mitchell made the classic The Tao Te Ching accessible.

    10. The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

    Really, anything by Og Mandino. But The Greatest Salesman in the World is a modern classic that should be required business reading.

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